Deal Finders
A great site for deals on prepping goods, and an Augason Food section that always has great deals on storable foods.
Misc. deals on firearms and firearm related goods.
Deals from Amazon (company owned by Amazon)
Misc. deal finder
A good resource for information on how to take back control of your data.
Can pre-scan files/executables for malicious content before opening/executing them.
A site that provides a well maintained block list for programs like Pi-Hole.
Most helpful teacher...
Cyber security practice site.
Eloquent Javascript Book.
CSS Reference.
AI language model information source.
Codecademy cheatsheets.
Font Source.
Free Progamming Books.
Pre-made CSS.
CSS, HTML, Javascript learning source.
Python learning source.
A site showing the current market valuation using various models.
Hedge fund tracker
The way things should be pertaining to scientific knowledge.
SHTF resource. Good to have.
Good to know.
Good resource.
Untarnished history lessons.